Name of the Project:  Humanitarian assistance in the sectors of Protection, WASH, Shelter/NFI and Site Management & Site Development for Rohingya refugees and host communities in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh II.

Implementation period: December 2022-November, 2024

Source of Fund :  Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH), Germany

Working area:  Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar              

Coverage:    2400

Major activities:                               

– Providing support children/adolescents preventing from all kinds of physical, mental and sexual abuse to promote gender equality through 4 AFS.

– Providing life skills to the participants so that they can cope with abuse, forced labour, trafficking, early marriage and child pregnancy.

– Develop community protection mechanisms to combat trafficking and prevent children / adolescents from engagement in forced or child labour.

– House-to-house visits to children/adolescents and their parents for motivation, awareness.