Welcome to ASD!

About ASD

Action for Social Development (ASD) is a non-government, non-profit and non-political development organization (duly registered with Dept. of Social Service and NGO Affairs Bureau, Government of Bangladesh) established in 1988. The objective of ASD is to facilitate the poor creating solidarity among themselves, building their capacity and bargaining power for realizing their rights and needs in order to improve their quality of life. ASD in a span of over 34 years has successfully implemented 28 emergency response related project. ASD has been currently implementing Rohingya Response project in Cox’s Bazar District and Emergency Preparedness Project in Sunamgonj District of Bangladesh with the support of Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH)-Germany and German Government. ASD has been a partner of DKH since 2004. More importantly, ASD since 2004 works as the Secretariat of a network of 10 local organizations known as Emergency Cooperation Network (ECNet) which has so far implemented more than 11 emergency projects as the leader of the network. ASD has been a partner of Bread for the World (BftW)-Protestant Development Service, Germany; for more than 22 years and has been currently implementing a Child Protection project with a right-based approach with BftW support. ASD has a unique experience of working in both urban and rural areas and has experience of working as the head of consortium. ASD has worked in the past with UNDP, UNICEF, USAid, UKAid, France Embassy, Australian High Commission, Save the Children and European Union funding as well as with the government of Bangladesh and has so far implemented 170 development projects including the 28 ones related to emergency response. ASD is the member of protection sector and child protection sub-sector in humanitarian response for Rohingya crisis.


People irrespective of their culture, ethnicity and religion enjoy full democratic and human rights and live in peace and dignity.


To facilitate the poor creating solidarity among themselves, building their capacity and bargaining power for realizing their rights and needs in order to improve their quality of life.


Participatory and rights-based approach

Core Values

Human dignity, gender equity, inclusiveness, non-discrimination, and community participation.


A 21-member General Body (GB) functions as the highest decision making organ of ASD. An Executive Committee (EC) of 7 members, which is elected for 3-year term sits quarterly to look after the activities of the organization and takes necessary policy decisions. The EC approves annual plans and budget and monitor the progress of activities and financial status.

What we do

Thematic Areas/ Programmes

  • Child Protection and Promotion of Child Rights
  • Livelihood and Food Security for the Ultra Poor.
  • Education & Empowerment.
  • Life Orientated Education, Skill and Vocational Training.
  • Self-Help Group Development and People’s Institution Building
  • Health & Nutrition including HIV/AIDS
  • Water, Environmental Sanitation & Hygiene Promotion
  • Human Rights, Justice and Governance
  • Climate Change, Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation
  • Advocacy and Networking


Community Radio, Naf 99.2fm, ASD-ERP Project

Community Radio, Naf 99.2fm Radio Phone in live, Teknaf Date: 29/02/2024 ASD-ERP Project অ্যাকশন ফর সোশ্যাল ডেভেলপমেন্ট (এএসডি)-র উদ্যোগে ডিয়াকনি ক্যাটাসট্রোপেন হিলফে(ডিকেএইচ) এর আর্থিক সহায়তায়  “শিক্ষা ও সাংকৃতিক উন্নয়ন, শিশু শ্রম ও  নারীর প্রতি সহিংসতা নিরসন” বিষয়ে   সরাসরি রেডিও ফোনো লাইভ অনুষ্ঠান। অতিথি হিসাবে উপস্থিত আছেন, মোহাম্মদ নুরুল আবছার, উপজেলা একাডেমিক সুপারভাইজার,টেকনাফ, নাশীদুল ইসলাম আল…

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